
Feb 13, 2013

Backpacker's card games

There are 5 kinds of card games backpackers all learn to play.

Bullshit. This is a game of deception, lying and cheating. The goal is to bullshit to get rid of all your cards. If you're bullshitting when a player challenges, then all the cards on the table are yours.

Asshole aka President. The asshole game rules see wiki rules. It's basically trying to get rid of all your cards with some cards or a combination of cards having special rules. Depending on how well you do, you become president, vice president, middle management, commoner, vice asshole and asshole. No one talks to the asshole unless they want to swap positions.

Shitface is something similar to asshole but you pick up cards while trying to get rid of all the cards. The loser of the last game will trade their best cards to the winner for their worst cards.

Fuck the dealer. The dealing party rotates throughout the game, the longer it goes, the more likely you will get screwed over by the players.The rules.

Poker, obvisouly. Needless to explain this one.

Card games get us through long haul buses. Card games entertain us at siesta times. Card games accompany us in deserted lands. Card games are the after dinner activity before the night starts rolling. Card games bring all nation of backpackers together. Doesn't matter where you're from and where you're going, find a chair and join the rounds of vulgar games.

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