
Sep 5, 2012

South America Prep Part 5: Route Planning

When I was taking a short vacation at Quebec, I met a guy while staying at a couchsurfing who just travelled to South America. I was naive thinking one month would be more than sufficient for South America, but then he replied "Girl, you need way more than that, I went for almost 6 months and I felt another 3 months is in need." This is when I extended it to 3 months.

The Rough Guides on South America had many suggested itineraries so I did some research, ruling out the stuff I don't mind missing out and the places I definitely want to visit. Eventually I just dot them down on the map and figure out a loop route out of Lima and back while referencing them to the amount of in between travel time and whether I can afford it. Its a rough itinerary, things change in split seconds sometimes so I usually try to not write plans in stone unless its something like the Macchu Picchu trail which needs 6 months advance booking. I decided to leave Brazil out of this round since I was too late for visa and because it would be a rush to do it all. I rather spend an extra night or two at one place...

So here is the rough idea for this loop trip
  1. Peru
    • Lima
    • Cusco & around
    • Macchu Picchu
    • Lake Titica
  2. Bolivia
    • La Paz & around
    • Amazon tour guide
    • Uyuni
  3. Argentina
    • Buenos Aires
    • Maybe hop over to Uruguay for a couple day if I feel ultra adventurous
    • Rosano
    • Cordoba
    • San Juan
    • Mendoza
  4. Chile
    • Santiago
    • Valparaiso
    • travel along the coast all the way to Arica and cross Peru border back to Lima 
I have to admit I haven't done a whole lot of homework so this might include some bad ideas but I'm sure there would be advices and information along the way. As long as I am open to change, make enough time cushion for myself and remain calm, it'll be fine. 

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