
Feb 9, 2013

Las Pampas, grassland anaconda hunting

Siesta time on the hammocks.

Afternoon is exploration time inland. We put on gum boots and head towards the vast unmarked high grass land behind the lodge. This walk is 3 hours, in 30 Celsius heat. Tony had long knife and wood stick to clear the path. He walks carefully, tracing for animal signs...

at this point, I didn't expect what was to happen...

Tony bullshit.

Walking for half an hour across the high grasses, we reached a wired fence. "Everybody spread out 1 meter between each other, we are walking straight across this swamp. Walk slow and don't worry about the water getting in your boots, it's okay." And so we did exactly what Tony said. Black stinky water rushed into my gum boots within five steps into the swamp. We walked slowly, taking firm steps and careful not to trip on plant roots beneath the pitch black water.

1/3 across the field Tony yells from distance, "Oh, guys, this is an anaconda habitat, they like to rest on the plants above water, careful not to step them!"

Fuck. Really Tony? Thanks.

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" one of us found an anaconda. A 4 meter long anaconda. So damn amazing. At this stage, all fears are sunk by excitement. Colourful and lively, with full aware of his exposure. It started twisting its body and showing its tongue. Who knows how many are swimming underneath the water, passing our gum boots....

4 meter long baby anaconda 

Safely passing the anaconda habitat, we venture further inland. Passing by wet lands and flower fields with resting capybaras. Swans, eagles, and all kinds of birds hanging out by the water, taking off into the sky majestically. We also found crabs on dry grounds, they are dummy crabs that didn't make it to deeper water before dry season. It's hot, it's humid, it's amazingly gorgeous. Such lively land, untainted by human. The walk was difficult but completely worth it.
we rescued a dying crab to the water streams

fields of flower on wet lands

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