
Feb 7, 2013

Las Pampas, adventures at night

After dinner, Tony took us back on the boat, sailing up stream for some thrillers.... We could still see a little bit of sun in the far distance. Tummy filled, we all lay back to enjoy the last sunlight, the sleepy animals, the sound of water and the forest's natural smells...

There was clouds forming in distance. Soon, we started seeing thunder lightnings then hearing roars of the thunders. The sky was painted with sparks of light. Magnificent lightnings forming strands of gold in the wine red sky. The thunder roared loudly with full power, announcing his arrival. It was nature I've never experienced. We were all speechless, grateful for the nature's beautiful opera show.

Lowering our heads to see our near surroundings. Tony told us to shine our torches towards the shores. Large and small sparkly red and yellow spots things shines back at us. "What are those?" We innocently asked. "The yellow pairs are alligators and the reds are black caimans." OH my dear lord. It's a ridiculous amount of sparkly eyes shining.... Alligators are scary predators but black caiman.... black caimans are MONSTERS. They got pitch black skin and large thick muscular body. They grow to extreme sizes probably strong enough to battle it out with dinosaurs back in the days. It's extremely exciting yet absolutely terrifying. We pray that this water leaking boat will not fail us at any point.

Safely returning to the lodge. Lighting the table with a couple candles, the Dutch couple taught us their card game "toot". The rainstorm reached us and so it started pouring hard. "I'm gonna toot you hard! Watch out!" The attention seeking cat likes to bother us, she loves people resting elbows on her head. The rainstorm stronger, shaking the roofs and smashing the doors. Sleepless, we watch the flies and insects crowd around the candle, suicidal sunbathing. The candles ran out, so we turn on torches and headed back to our beds for another adventurous day tomorrow.

Alligator swimming along

suicidal sunbathing insects by the candle
poison frog chilling out in rainstorm

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