
Feb 22, 2013

Youri and the godfather police

Youri youri youri. It's strange, we only hung out for a couple days but we got along like old friends.

"Hi, I'm Youri."
"Oh hey, I like your purple pants."
We met at a mutual friend's dinner gathering.

Then a couple days later, we met again at a cafe.
"Last night was scary, I got cornered by a girl"
"You what?"
"at the oktoberfest, thankfully my teacher protected me."
"how? what...WHAT?"
"it was so close..."

Youri is Dutch. He's easy going, funny and shares his personal gossip like it's someone else's. He always wears purple pants. The locals love his purple pants, it's so fashion forward, they find him crazy attractive. He is on a 6 month long virginity spell. A nun, pretty much.

"my friend got robbed and lost his camera yesterday. I'm accompanying him to the police office for the 4th time..."
"oh, that sucks"
"the tourist police speaks like the godfather."
"please take me with you, I'll be the entourage."

The camera, as we all know, will not be retrieved. The police didn't care for the car plate number or the style of the camera. It's how it works here. The only thing you can do is to get a police written report of the incident for the insurance company. We walked to the edge of central Sucre, entered the fenced police building with chilled out gunned guards. The place was so old and run down. We walked to the end of the hallway and turned into the last office. The window glasses are broken. There's weird drapes of textile hanging at one side which created a private space behind the drapes. The tables and chairs looks as if they were collected from a dump garage. I would not want to be here for any other reasons other than meeting this godfather police. We giggled and smiled when godfather came out. He's a short moustache man resembling nothing of don carleon but his low husky voice was, without any effort, the legendary godfather voice, but in Spanish.

meeting godfather this afternoon...

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