
Jan 25, 2013

Taquile island, put the hat on!

Traditional textile work on Taquile Island

Everyone on Taquile island has a hat that symbolized them in the community. The single men wore half white half pattern hat. The married wear full pattern hats. Authority men have the pattern hats plus ear covers. Women wear black cloth over their head, the married ones have small ponpons and the single women have big ponpons. In example of Celso and Juana, they wear half white hats and big ponpons and they are not married but common laws.

I wasn't able to see the interactions of the island's residences to fully observe the community. They live under such simple yet efficient rules (no lie, steal and laziness). Their lives are simple. Then I wonder, with all the influences from the land, what are they feeling and going through? Are there conflicts? Living on this island rarely in contact with the outer world then suddenly exposed to a complete different lifestyle, what kind of feelings, thoughts and emotions do they have? I hope the effects are positive and it helps them to live better and happier. 

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