
Jan 7, 2013

Un momento!

Riding in the taxi on endless dirt roads, there's nothing on both side, just vast land stretching on the horizon and patches of rice paddies, there's 5000m snow cap mountains in far distance of the valley, the sun is providing warmth and the wind is blowing it off.

"STOP!!!!! un momento!" 

I grabbed the camera then opened the door to run towards the sheep, donkey and cows coming our way. It's the most beautiful scene. Majestic. They move slow, placing each step firmly on the ground. They are scared but their masters hurry them off, passing the taxi, continuing the sunset road. 

Out of control, snapping shots one after another. This experience touched me. It touched me more than any of the Inca ruins. It's life. Life in its real simple form. I love this connection with nature, with all forms living on this land and soil.

The shepherd turned as he passes us. Hugging his little sheep in his arms, he turned around and smiled. He stood there smiling at us, allowing us to take a few photos of him and his lovely flock. 

I end blogs this way too much. I'm thankful for this experience. Thank you for letting us meet you, for sharing this beautiful moment and for welcoming us to your land.

an accidental angle

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