
Jan 6, 2013

Peruvian fashion

Sketching began to be my hobby on long bus rides. I notice the traditional outfits for women are somewhat similar. It is a mascular culture there women are mainly in charge of keeping the house, cooking, taking care of kids and sometimes sell their hand made assesories to help out in the family.

  • Top hat is a must, the ones that look similar to an Englishmen's gentlemen hat in wine red, dark green, dark brown and black.
  • Large piece of textile for carrying stuff. Any stuff. Children, clothes, groceries, ANYTHING. The textiles are made with their traditional textile techniques and symbols. 
  • It's chilly at night so they usually wear knit sweaters, sometimes simple and sometimes its complex like the textiles.
  • They wear folded dresses and knit socks to keep warm, some wear tights underneath as well. These are in solid bold colours.
  • Their shoes are not in particular traditional fashion but most of the time are sandals.  
  • The women are broader and stronger but they all have black long braided hair.

Peruvians definitely live in less comfortable conditions than us. They look older than us and give birth younger than us. I see women who would look in their late 40's be taking care of youngster the age of 5. At first, I was guessing it could be the grandmother taking care of the kids, but then it was not the case. It shows in their eyes, skin, hands, expressions and the way they walk. We should be thankful for our living standards. It may not be what we dreamed of or aiming for, but its definitely not the worst. 

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