
Jan 23, 2013

Taquile Island on Lake Titicaca

Taquile island is a secluded community with an unique culture, 3 hours boat ride off the coast of Puno in Lake Titicaca. The island is populated by around 2000 Taquileños. They live by community collectivism and simply by 3 rules "do not steal, do not lie and do not be lazy." They have their own hierarchy and education system. Being a self sufficient community, they farm and fish. Women and men can live together and have kids without getting married. After 2-3 years, they can decide whether to get married, and once they do, they are not allowed to divorce (unless you want to get kicked off the island, forever). They most known for their art of textile which is proclaimed in 2005 by UNESCO as Heritage of Humanity. Oh, right, there's almost completely no electricity, obviously not a mass sum of hot water available either.


The island got only one school for kids of all age. They young girls wear red flare dresses and the older girls wear dark blue ones. The boys wear white tops and black pants with long knit textile hats that symbolize them as not married. On this island, everyone knows everyone. No homes or properties needs to be locked up. You get lost on the island, just tell anyone the homestay family's names and they will know exactly who you are talking about.


The island consist of little stone cobble roads. There's no cars, there are no roads large enough for cars. The island is hilly that there are no motorcycles either, not even bicycles. Everyone's on foot, it goes with their "do not be lazy" ideal.

The Inca ruin on top of the island and it is 4000m above the altitude. Here you can see the island 360 degrees and the water and lands miles miles beyond. Standing here, it felt like you're completely cut off from the rest of the world. It quiets the mind, the wind blows gently, the grass swaying, the stones unmoved.

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