
Sep 16, 2012

South America Prep Part 11 Final: Bravery

 To go on a solo backpacker trip requires plenty of this, bravery.

We are used to be around friends and family and the normal routine that when in the situation of facing changes, uncertainty and unfamiliarity, we freak out. Really, it´s just getting use to the uncertainty factors, bracing the unknown and being okay with not knowing. You may make awesome friends and experience things that will not happen in the usual safety zone bubble.

People hear my plan to go solo in South America for three months, they freak out for me. I am also a little freaked out but deep inside somewhere I know it's going to be okay. I just need to get over the first stage of solo travelling, meaning taking care of myself and all responsibilities along with it. After the first freak out stage, then you head into the homesick zone, then it gets REALLY fun. So, ladies and gents, take a deep breath, gather all your bravery and jump! Guts.
I don´t find this on a normal day!

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