
Sep 14, 2012

South America Prep Part 9: Stuff you got to have

Among the hundreds of things that you think you might need...
Here's a quick list of items that I find essential for a South America trip
  1. sunblock (high altitude, definitely need sunblock, even if its not a really sunny day)
  2. bug repellant (going into the woods and wild, you will need this for sure, especially the Amazons)
  3. waterproof jacket (depending on your season of visit)
  4. a good small day bag that can hold water bottle and a journal (this will go a long way)
  5. fleece jacket for night (the temperature goes from 5-24 degrees celcius in a day)
Peru is a growing touristy place, so anything you don´t have can be found here, its just the matter of the cost and the quality. I bought fleece jacket, leg warmer and warm socks for $40 Canadian here in Cusco, which come to think of it, if bought in Vancouver, it would have cost at a good $100. If you are going into the Amazons and/or hiking in the mountains for multiple days, investing in good outerwear at home country is a good idea.

When I climbed Machu Picchu, it was 4am but then it got really hot because of the vertical climbing. Then it started to sprinkle rain, which then I pulled out my thin wind jacket that can also withstand a little bit of rain. Machu Picchu had good sunlight for about two hours or so then it started to pour rain, which then I used the plastic poncho I bought from Aguas Calientes for 4 solus. Then when we headed down back to Aquas Calientes, it became hot again, which then I packed away all the warm gear and back to a thin long sleeve top. From there, you can tell that the temperature and the weather here is varies massively so being prepared for all kinds of weather would help you. Again, layering is a good technique in this case. Climbing Machu Picchu for two hours in the dark from the bottom was really difficult for someone who doesn't do any sport but it's totally worth it. Beautiful sight when the mist cleared up and the ancient city slowly appears in front of you.

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