
Sep 15, 2012

South America Prep Part 10: Believe in Humanity

Believe in humanity. It´s kind of hard at the beginning but it gets easier and easier. People are nice in general. There have been times where I desperately needed a helping hand and got offered tones of help from strangers whom I´ve never met and probably will never see again.

Just to name a few, when I stupidly brought myself to the middle of no where in Australia and a family gave me a free ride to my destination. When I got to Switzerland and forget all the information of where I booked the hostel and what the hostel name was. There is also a time when I got trapped in Paris without anyway of getting out of the city due to strikes and no way of getting accomodation due to football finale during the weeend then a friend of a friend of a friend whom I don´t even know the name of offered me to stay at her place for the night. There has been so many times people approach me when I look lost and offered their knowledge and even brought me to the place I wanted to go.

I trust people in general under the normal circumstances. Always exercise normal precautions but don´t get paranoid. You´re instincs are usually correct. It´s karma, be kind to others and you´ll be returned with same kindness.
Dog at Ollantaytambo using me as a sun shade. I guess he trusts me too.

1 comment:

  1. that's cos ur an awesome friend too, so we'd all extend our network for worries :)
