
Feb 12, 2013

Overnight bus to Sucre

I bought an overnight bus ticket to Sucre from Copacabana 1 MEM for 130 Bolivianos approximately 20 Canadian. This company is reputable for its service however, I was still scared. I really was. The horrible stories of missing luggages, stolen bags and on board robbery... Luckily I befriended people on the way to the bus station and on the bus. I shared a cab to the bus station with a couple who are leaving at the same time. At the departing terminal, I met Andrew, Owen and Martin from wild rover. I didn't know they were taking the same bus. Then on the bus, I befriended the British couple sitting across the aisle. 

The bus took us to random places outskirts of town, stops for a long time, open storage to put packages and boxes in. I suspected they work as some sort of courier as well. We stretch our neck and look down every time the storage door opens to make sure our luggages aren't being stolen. Travellers take care of each other, we have comrade spirit. 

The ride was about 14 hours. I ate a whole tumbler of pringles and drank a litre of water then threw my head back for a looooooooonnnnng ride. The road was surprisingly smooth with new pavements. I woke up about 20 times throughout the night, bundled up in the blanket provided, spread on the big inclined seat. Between sleeps, I open my eyes lazily, looking out the window to see passings of valleys, rivers, villages and mountain ranges. The bus stops every so often by road polices for papers and security check. At around 3am, the bus stopped at an near pitch black settlement out of now where, nothing down the road and nothing up the road. It was freezing cold but lots of us got off the bus to move around a bit... The bus' headlights were left on so we could see the surroundings. 

How lucky am I to have a safe ride.

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