
Feb 5, 2013

Las Pampas, wildlife and more wildlife!

After lunching at Santa Rosa, we went to the banks of Yacuma River, transported all of our stuff to the long motor canoe boat and drifted downstream for 3 hours. Finally FINALLY, wild life here I come!!! Immediately, the lively nature surrounds us... alligators sunbathing on the river banks, turtles resting on logs, capybaras swimming and chilling out by the water (they are extra large rats) and also tonnes of different birds on the trees. We sometimes pass by alligators in close proximity that its actually a bit scary... The alligators' predator eyes... "I'm watching you, human beings." They stay still on the riverbanks with their mouth wide open, waiting for dummy animals to fall in the trap but their eyes are all sparkly...

the boats with no covers,  really really humid and hot, but who cares?

fellow travellers on different tours groups

capybaras getting out of water...

capybara chilling out 

there are so much species of birds, I lost count.

squirrel monkeys playing on the tree by the river

RARRRRRR alligators, many many MANY alligators

Turtlies, they are so cute, they slip in water when the boats pass by

drifting downstream for 3 hours... amaaaaaaazing.

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