
Jan 31, 2013

Morning at Cafe Artigiano

Holding a small coffee in hand. The place was packed. I stood at the by the side of the seating area scanning and rescanning for a possible spot.

A guy was sitting by himself at a 4 person table. Sure he can spare a seat... I didn't bother asking as he already cleared the table, realizing he was using the only table with spare seats. Sitting down, I began reading "Watching the English". The book was smart. It detailed all the English behaviours. I got to the part where she was explaining the class systems: upper, upper middle, middle middle, lower middle and the working class. Funny, as it truly was, I laughed and smiled silently, trying not to appear as a freak. We shared a silent quiet space. It was peaceful.

"Excuse me, do you mind if I take this seat?" a professor looking man tapped me and ask to take the seat across me.

I replied, of course.

He sat down with a little pastry bag, quietly eating it. Then he brought out a stack of paper with weird symbols and began to mark them with a red pen. Continuing the quiet equilibrium, all three of us did whatever we were there to do.

Professor gazed in space for a bit then continue to bring out another booklet. This time, it was mandarin learning book. Curiously, I peek at the mandarin characters, trying to figure out whether it's traditional or simple... 95% of the time, it's simple characters, its sad, 7000 years of history is deteriorating, taking a step backwards. Couldn't figure it out though.

"Now you have the cafe all to yourself" an elder elegant lady passed by my table. She wore fury jacket and a very warm looking scarf with a punk handbag.

Not realizing that everyone left, "oh wow... I guess"

"Foubourg's macarons are deviiiiiiiiiine."
"There are so many youngsters who rather sit here for hours than being at home."
"I like to come out, it's nice to be out"
"I'm here everyday, except on Wednesdays when I work."
"If it rains on Sunday, I won't come, otherwise I'll stay here for a little longer."

This reminds me of the day we all walked in Cartegena rain.

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