
Feb 17, 2013

Learning español with Estephanie

"Did you study Jenny?"
"Why didn't you do your homework?"
"Oh my Jenny, why are you out everyday?"
Repeatedly was I butchered by Estephanie. She is a really great Spanish teacher. Knowledgeable, humorous and friendly with students. We had one on one 4 hours classes in the morning for ten days.

"Pan fried the rice in the pan before cooking in the pot. It's way better."
She provided cooking tips because the altitude is high so the ways to cook things are different.

"You should eat more papaya, it's good for health"
She listen to my health problems and give honest advices. :)

"Go to the restaurant down the road to the left, their 3 course lunch meal is delicious."
Estephanie knows I love food so she told me all the yummy food in town, while avoiding burning the wallet.

"You're going to the party tonight right? I'll see you there. Let's dance."
She's young and energetic. She party and enjoy socializing with students.

we like to study on the patio under the sun

the sentence making session 9am in the morning

smiling in the school

spanish school!

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