Chef Red lives with a Bolivian family. He's a professional chef from Australia. He studied Spanish in Bolivia then travelled around south america then eventually went back to settle in Sucre, Bolivia.We met briefly at the Oktoberfest party and eventually became friends by multiple mutual friends.
Sarah and I got invited by Red and Simon to their place for dinner. He cooked pork belly with potato and beet salad. The pork belly was simply done with crunchy skin and fatty juicy meat paired with a scoop of mysterious yummy sauce. Baked potatoes were seasoned simply, keeping all the natural flavours. Beet salad was just a surprise, I haven't seen these for the longest time since travelling. YUM YUM YUM. This guy is freakin' talented.
waiting... waiting.... |
fooood food food fooooood |
On a sunny afternoon, my second last day in Sucre, Red and I met up for a walk. We met at Plaza 25 de Mayo. Sitting on the bench. Observing people, talking with a mom and kid at the next bench. We wore sunglasses and hoodies, it's those breezy sunny day.
this fell in front of my face. pretty little hurtful things... |
We walked away from the plaza, going towards the big park. Passing the parliament, supreme court, opera house, universities and libraries... We bought ice creams from the little shop near the entrance to Bolivar Park. Unpasteurized milk ice cream with an expresso shot poured over. SO YUM. Milky and coffee-ie. So simplistic and so simple. We happily walked down the long park, passing by people picnicking, dating on the benches, teenagers chilling out under the tree. The park is surprisingly organized and well maintained. It's beautiful and elegant.
He is entertainingly honest. In fact, our first meeting goes like this,
"do you know that girl?"
"yeah, she's from my hostel"
"she is so hot, help me out, i want to meet her"
We found a bench at the end of the park, across the old rail station. Red told me about his trip around south america. Every location and every story evolved around meeting a girl. He even shared the phone numbers he got the night we all went out dancing. The follow-up phone calls and texts.
"that girl with crotches was really hot"
"crotches in the club?"
"yeah, she couldn't run or hide"
"that's how you got the phone number"
"you know that he was hitting on you that night?"
"you are slow"
"i want to open a club at the abandoned gas station"
"that sounds awesooome."
"don't tell anyone though"
"let's walk, i'll show you the mini eiffel tower"
plaza Libertad |
bench talking at Parque Bolivar |