
May 28, 2013

uyuni tour, train graveyard

This is the first stop of the 3 day Salt Flat tour starting at Uyuni town. The first stop is at the train graveyard just at the rim of the town. Why is there a train graveyard? The Europeans built train track and brought trains over thinking that they can transport the goods out of Bolivia this way. They failed, but why? Because they didn't calculate in the nature factor. It's high altitude, the pressure is different, coal won't do the job. So, they left the machines and trains there. The train track is still used though, nowadays, they transport supplies between Chile and Bolivia, through the Salts Flats and the mountain ranges.

I like this place. At the graveyard, its easy to think about things. They are a proof of evolving science. They are there to remind us of the old footprints. They are there, for decades, for tourists to day dream, for locals to take a stroll at night, for philosophers to wander, for kids to play hide and seek, for lovers to rendezvous, for the drunks to sleep in, for the lost to sit silently, for the lost to scream loudly. They are abandoned and reborn again.